born | д.р.: 02.04.84 detained | задержана: 19.11.20
released | освобождена: 19.05.20 after 6 months in prison
TUT.BY journalist. Source: Katsiaryna Barysevich — Political prisoners in Belarus (
Godparenthood for political prisoners in Belarus | Libereco
Cem Özdemir (Member of the Bundestag and former long-time leader of Alliance 90/The Greens) for Katsiaryna Barysevich:
“For months, the Lukashenka regime has been conducting state terror. Tens of thousands of people have already been unjustly arrested and have had traumatising experiences that will haunt them for the rest of their lives. My godparenthood for Katsiaryna Barysevich is therefore anything but an occasion for joy. But I hope that with my godparenthood I can once again draw more attention to the dramatic situation in Belarus. And I hope that I can show Katsiaryna Barysevich that we in Germany continue to watch this situation closely and show solidarity.
The death of Raman Bandarenka at the hands of the state is a particularly appalling example of the brutality and contempt for humanity of the Lukashenka regime. It is invaluable that courageous journalists like Katsiaryna Barysevich bring the truth to light. The fact that they have to pay for this with their freedom is unacceptable – neither in a European country like Belarus nor in any other country in the world. The dramatic restrictions on press freedom in recent months show how much Lukashenko fears independent journalism. Dictators are not only brutal and dangerous, they are also pathetic. And the developments in Belarus show that no dictator in this world is firmly in the saddle. It is only a matter of time before democratic movements chase them from their pathetic thrones.
The impunity for the regime’s crimes particularly shocks me – although it is not surprising that Lukashenko holds his hand over those who keep the regime alive. Belarusian civil society deeply impresses me in this crisis with its peaceful, creative and powerful methods. It systematically collects evidence of torture and other crimes on the basis of which Lukashenka’s henchmen can be investigated in the new Belarus and abroad. Lithuania is already investigating torturers according to the principle of universal jurisdiction. Germany should also take the lead here and engage more to ensure that the regime is held accountable.
Katsiaryna Barysevich is one of many impressive women who have driven change in Belarus. In times of violence and state terror, the trio of Kalesnikava, Tsikhanouskaya and Tsepkalo made sisterhood and empathy their political maxim. Lukashenka’s patriarchal blindness has led him to greatly underestimate women in Belarus. Even if the tyrant has not – yet – vacated his throne, it is clear that the Lukashenka era will sooner or later be history. The Belarusian women have contributed significantly to the peaceful and creative nature of the protest. My greatest appreciation goes to them and to the entire democracy movement. The Belarusian democratic opposition more than deserves the European Parliament’s Sakharov Prize.
Only the release of all political prisoners and new elections monitored by the OSCE can bring peace and security to Belarus. Only then will the people of Belarus finally experience the democratic rights for which they are fighting so hard. They have my admiration and solidarity. Therefore, I demand: Freedom for Katsiaryna Barysevich and all other political prisoners in Belarus!”
Videos by BWF:
Video "I'm a political prisoner K. Barysevich" ENG
Portrait, BWF
Видео "Я-политзаключенная К. Борисевич" RU

02.03.21: Дело "ноль промилле": Вынесли приговоры журналистке Борисевич и врачу Сорокину (
24.02.21: «Оставила их, а они уже грустят, вздыхают». О чем из СИЗО пишет Катерина Борисевич |
Katsiaryna Barysevich is a TUT.BY reporter arrested on November 19, 2020, on suspicion of alleged disclosure of a medical secret of Raman Bandarenka, who was beaten to death on November 11, 2020 (Part 3, Article 178 of the Criminal Code). In a piece she authored, she cited the doctor’s words alleging absence of alcohol in Raman’s blood, which contradicted the official statements earlier voiced by the authorities.
Barysevich was initially held in the KGB pre-trial prison in Minsk.
On March 2, 2021, Katsiaryna was sentenced to 6 months in prison and fined 2,900 rubles. With over 3 months spent in pre-trial detention, Barysevich was ordered to serve ten weeks.
The journalist was released on May 19, 2021.
Катерина Борисевич – журналистка портала TUT.BY.
Была задержана 19.11.20 в связи с уголовным делом о якобы раскрытии медицинской тайны избитого до смерти Романа Бондаренко (ч. 3 ст. 178 УК). Она привела в статье слова врача об отсутствии в крови Романа алкоголя, что противоречило заявлениям представителей властей.
Катерину сначала поместили в СИЗО КГБ, затем перевели в СИЗО-1. Ей предъявлено обвинение.
Суд Московского района Минска 02.03.21 вынес приговоры по уголовному делу против политзаключенных журналистки TUT.BY Екатерины Борисевич и врача Артема Сорокина. Их признали виновными в разглашении медицинской тайны, которая заключалась в сообщении ими, что в вечер драки Роман Бондаренко не был пьян.
Катеринa Борисевич была осуждена на 6 месяцев лишения свободы и оштрафовала на 100 базовых величин (2 900 рублей).
19.05.21 Катерина была освобождена.