born//д.р.: 15.09.64 detained//задержана: 22.12.20
released//освобождена: on 19.08.21, pardoned after 8 month in prison
Founder of Press Club Belarus
Source: Yuliya Slutskaya — Political prisoners in Belarus (
Godparenthood for political prisoners in Belarus | Libereco
Martina Munz (Member of the Swiss National Council) for Yuliya Slutskaya: “My solidarity is with the people who are standing up for freedom of expression, democracy, the rule of law and human rights. I stand with the oppressed people of Belarus and demand an immediate end to the violence, the release of all political prisoners and fair new elections under international election observation. In particular, I demand the release of Yuliya Slutskaya and am taking over her godparenthood. She is a courageous journalist, the founder of the Press Club Belarus and an advocate for freedom of expression. She was arrested on 22 December 2020 and, like many other victims of repression and violence, sits innocently in prison.”
Videos, BWF:
Video "I'm a political prisoner Y. Slutskaya" ENG
Portraits, BWF:
Видео "Я-политзаключенная Ю. Слуцкая" RU
Video "Ich bin eine politische Gefangene Y. Slutskaya" DE
Y. Slutskaya in media:
15.09.21: "Happy Bithday, Yuliya!" BWF

07.09.21: "Yuliya Slutskaya of Belarus is 2021 IPI-IMS World Press Freedom Hero", International Press Institut
20.08.21: "Minsk: Several defendants in so called Press Club Belarus case at liberty",
19.08.21: "Members of Press Club Belarus RELEASED after 8 months in prison", Svaboda
23.12.20: "Wir fordern Freilassung der Mitglieder des Press Club Belarus", Presseclub Concordia
22.12.20: "Under Pressure: Leaders of Key Belarus Media Organisation Arrested", (
Yuliya Slutskaya is the founder and chairperson of Press Club Belarus. Slutskaya has been working in journalism since 1994. She graduated from BSU's Faculty of Philosophy, and worked as a sociologist before entering the media sphere. In 1995-2006, Slutskaya was editor-in-chief of the Komsomolskaya Pravda v Belarusi daily. In 2007-2010, she was editor-in-chief of European Radio for Belarus, since 2011 - founder and director of the Warsaw-based information office “Belarus in Focus”.
Slutskaya was detained on December 22 at Minsk airport upon her return to Belarus. From there she was taken to her apartment. A smartphone, a laptop and bank cards were seized after a search. After that, she was taken to the Department for Financial Investigations for interrogation.
Slutskaya was remanded in the temporary detention facility in Akrestsin Street, and then transferred to pre-trial prison No. 1, where she is still being held.
On 31.12.20 it became known that Yuliya Slutskaya was charged under Part 2 of Article 243 of the Criminal Code - Evasion of taxes and fees on an especially large scale.
On August 19, 2021, Slutskaya was released after spending eight months in pre-trial detention (pardoned).
Юлия Витальевна Слуцкая — основательница и председатель Пресс-Клуба. В журналистике с 1994 года. Окончила философский факультет БГУ, до того, как пришла в медиасферу, работала социологом. В 1995-2006 — главный редактор "Комсомольской правды в Беларуси". В 2007-2010 — главный редактор "Европейского радио для Беларуси", с 2011 г. — основательница и директор информационного офиса в Варшаве «Беларусь в фокусе».
Юлия была задержана утром 22 декабря в аэропорту по возвращении в Беларусь финансовой милицией. Оттуда ее увезли на до осмотр квартиры. Были изъяты телефон, ноутбук и карточки. После ее отвезли на допрос в ДФР.
Слуцкую поместили в ИВС на Окрестина, а затем перевели в СИЗО-1 на ул. Володарского.
31.12.20 стало известно, что Юлии Слуцкой было предъявлено обвинение по ч. 2 статьи 243 Уголовного кодекса — Уклонение от уплаты сумм налогов, сборов в особо крупном размере.
19 августа 2021 года Юлию Слуцкую выпустили из СИЗО (помилована).