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Women convicted with a suspended date of the sentence | Женщины c отсрочкой начала срока наказания

1. ATEMASAVA Marharyta | АТЕМАСОВА Маргарита, 2  YRS penal colony

Source: Margarita Atemasova — Dissidentby

2. DAVYDZKA-CHARKASHYNA Krystsina | ДАВЫДЬКО-ЧЕРКАШИНА Кристина, 1 YR penal colony

Source: Christina Dydyshko-Cherkashina — Dissidentby

3. HUSHCHA Diana | ГУЩА Диана, 2 YRS penal colony

Source: Diana Alexandrovna Gushcha — Dissidentby

4. PYTSKO Tatsiana | ПЫТЬКО Татьяна, 3 YRS penal colony

5. TOLSTIK Ilona | ТОЛСТИК Илона, unknown YRS penal colony

Source:  Ilona Vladimirovna Tolstik — Dissidentby

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Women political prisoners in Belarus

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