+++167 WOMEN political prisoners in Belarus +++in TOTAL: 1351 political prisoners in Belarus+++ UPD 14.02.25

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BFW lounched PETITION #LukashenkaTribunal ! Hold Lukashenka to account for crimes against humanity


on www.change.org  

Please sign this petition. By doing this you will help bring A. Lukashenka closer to justice in the International Criminal Court (ICC). Your signature will be an important instrument for ending the war and restoring world security.

On 24 February 2022, Lukashenka, together with Putin, became the aggressors who unleashed a war at the heart of the European continent that risks escalating into a global conflict. By providing Belarusian land as a staging point for Putin’s regime to attack the peaceful people of Ukraine, Lukashenka has acquired a new status – a war criminal.

On 28.02.22 the ICC Prosecutor, Karim A.A. Khan QC, has decided to proceed with opening an investigation on the situation in Ukraine.

Lukashenka has allowed to violate the sovereignty of Belarus; he has permitted the launching of Russian missiles from the territory of Belarus into Ukraine; he has opened Belarusian borders to enable the Russian military to attack Ukraine. All these acts make Lukashenka complicit in war crimes and a war criminal to be tried by the International Criminal Court.

Lukashenka must be stopped immediately. The delayed reaction to his actions following the presidential election in Belarus in August 2020 has now led to the war in Ukraine. That year, as on many previous occasions, Lukashenka rigged the election results. However, in 2020, this led to a huge wave of mass protests across the country. In response, the security agencies under Lukashenka’s control, launched a campaign of violence and torture against peaceful protesters. Tens of thousands have been subjected to tortures, including physical, psychological and sexual violenceThousands remain in prison, the number of political prisoners is increasing every day...

All independent media, as well as more than 180 non-governmental organizations were shut down: cultural, educational, human rights, environmental, research, consumer, social and other organisations. It is not only the civil society that has been destroyed in Belarus, but as a result everyone who used the services of these organisations is now left without their assistance. A national hotline for victims of domestic violence and the legal clinic of the Office of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities were forced to close.

In addition to this, the Lukashenka regime commits crimes not only in the territory of the Republic of Belarus and not only against Belarusian citizens.  The Lukashenka regime has now become a threat to the entire European and world order (see also  Lukashenka crimes on tribunal.live).

– On 23 May 2021, on Lukashenka’s orders, a Ryanair plane which was carrying a Belarusian journalist Roman Protasevich was forced to land in Minsk. Dozens of passengers on the plane, including the citizens of EU countries, were endangered by Lukashenko’s desire to take revenge on his opponent, who remains his hostage to this day.

– In autumn 2021, Lukashenka artificially staged a migration crisis on the border of Belarus and the EU. For several months, he continued to threaten and blackmail the European Union. It is important to note that Lukashenka used humans as a tool to influence the EU. Immigrants who, for various reasons, left their homes and country, trusting Lukashenka, lost not only their health, but many of them lost the most precious – their life. We all realize that they wouldn’t have died if it hadn’t been for Lukashenka’s hybrid war. We can’t bring those lives back, but we can avoid more losses.

In May 2021, Belarus Women’s Foundation submitted a „Request for Investigation“ to the International Criminal Court (ICC) at The Hague, alleging that Lukashenko were complicit in crimes against humanity.

In January 2022, Polish lawyer Tomasz Wiliński also filed an application with the International Criminal Court against Lukashenka and the heads of his security agencies.

However, political pressure and political will are required to bring A. Lukashenka closer to justice. If such will is shown and the governments support these requests/applications, the chances of proceedings will increase.

Taking into account the above, we appeal to the Governments of the European Union, Canada, The United States, Australia, Japan and the world community to demonstrate their commitment to the principles of humanity and international law. We call for an end to the unpunished actions of Lukashenka’s regime by doing the following:

1. Through a government statement, condemn the actions of Lukashenka and his regime and recognize the regime as a terrorist group. Further, recognize Alexander Lukashenka himself as an international terrorist for being an accomplice in starting a war in Europe, being responsible for war crimes, and for the deaths of civilians in Ukraine.

2. Provide assistance in initiating a criminal case in the International Criminal Court against Alexander Lukashenka for crimes against humanity.

Sign the petition and share it on social media groups and forums!

Your signature and support can be decisive!  


#RoadToTheHague #ICC #CrimesAgainstHumanity

Project "Road to The Hague" (belaruswomen.org)

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Women political prisoners in Belarus

Your contribution helps to make human rights violations public and to provide humanitarian aid.

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