Honoring the Heroes: Two Years Since Russia's Brutal Invasion of Ukraine

Today, on the two-year anniversary of Russia's brutal invasion of Ukraine, our hearts ache with the weight of grief for the innocent lives lost and destroyed by the horrors of war. For twenty-four months, the Ukrainian people have endured the relentless onslaught of Russian aggression, their homes, schools, and hospitals becoming battlegrounds of unfathomable suffering.

The harrowing statistics paint a grim reality of the devastation wrought upon Ukraine's soil and its people. Once-thriving cities now lay in ruins, their streets haunted by the specter of displacement and despair.

Despite the agreement between Lukashenko and Putin, we stand united in our unequivocal rejection of their bloody alliance. We refuse to turn a blind eye to the atrocities committed against Ukrainian people, steadfast in our commitment to peace, freedom, and justice.

Amidst the ongoing war in Ukraine, it's crucial for the global community to stand together in solidarity with the heroic Ukrainian people. They are facing unprecedented challenges and aggression, and it's our moral duty to provide the necessary assistance.

The Belarusian Women's Foundation calls on the international community to support Ukraine with weapons, medical and humanitarian assistance. Additionally, we call for the implementation of harsh sanctions against Russia and self proclaimed President Lukashenko and his surrounding in Belarus, holding them accountable for crimes they have committed against their own people and Ukrainian civilians.

Together, let's show our unwavering support and commitment to peace, justice, and humanity!

Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the heroes!

#UkraineStrong   #SolidarityWithUkraine   #BelarusStandsWithUkraine

#NeverForget   #SlavaUkraini   #24Feb2022

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Women political prisoners in Belarus

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