The Fascist Lukashenko Regime Continues to Retaliate and Seize Property from Veroniсa and Valery Tsepkalo

Lukashenko and his regime are widely recognized for their fascist-like methods of oppression and control, which echo historical fascist ideologies. For instance, the regime's use of property confiscation against political opponents and their families mirrors infamous quotes by Joseph Goebbels, such as "You must strike so hard that the pieces fly," and “Property obligates and firmly binds.”

Recently, the property belonging to the Tsepkalo family has been listed for sale on the "BelYurObespechenie" electronic auction site. This time, their house in Minsk is up for auction. Back in April 2024, the family's apartment was already sold. Both the house and the previously sold apartment are the registered residences of Veronika and Valery Tsepkalo's two minor children.

On October 17, 2024, Veronica Tsepkalo, Chair of the Belarus Women's Foundation, published a post on Facebook with the following content:

"Yesterday, I found out that the house in Minsk, where I and my two minor children are registered, has been put up for auction on the "BelYurObespechenie" platform

This is the house for which we went through court cases against a dishonest developer, where every ruble spent on construction and finishing is fully documented.

In May-June 2020, when the incomes of presidential candidates were being checked, we submitted all receipts, confirming every purchase, as well as bank statements proving the payments, to the Investigative Committee and the Prosecutor's Office.

The only violation during the income declaration process, according to Yermoshina, was that I "concealed" Priorbank shares worth 32 rubles, which I inherited from my prematurely deceased mother, and which I had genuinely forgotten about.

Now, not only our house, which we built with honestly earned money, is being put up for auction, but even children's items—bicycles, toys, and furniture.

This is not just a public act of retribution—it's revenge for our political activism in 2020, when my children were barely 7 years old.

There is a particular symbolism in this situation, as it is happening on the eve of November 20, 2024, when the world will be celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, the 70th anniversary of World Children's Day, and the 35th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

I can even imagine a certain "honest man" who, on that day, will visit a school or kindergarten, pat some little boy or girl on the cheek, and with a cynical smile, announce how "the state cares for children and families."

He'll recall how supposedly only one person in the world "defends" motherhood and childhood, and how "sacredly observed" the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus is, where it states that "the health, development, and education of children" is protected by the state!

And then he’ll remember Article 27 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which states that "children have the right to safe housing for their full development."

It’s one thing to speak about rights, but when it comes to personal power and revenge, "laws don’t matter." Mothers, women, and girls are turned into "sows" and "prostitutes," and children—into filthy pups that can not only be evicted from their homes but literally "have their necks wrung."

This kind of revenge is a warning to all Belarusians. If anyone dares to raise their head, dares to "be called human," vicious dogs—"security forces"—will be unleashed on them, whom he himself despises for their spinelessness, lack of principles, and mercenariness.

He knows whom he has trained and undoubtedly despises them, unlike Belarusians, whom he fears and seeks vengeance upon.

But I believe that the day will come when all this filth will disappear from our long-suffering Belarusian land, and then, citizen Lukashenko, Shved, "respected judges," all those who are destroying and plundering the property of Belarusians—we will be the ones auctioning off your real estate, freezing your accounts, and distributing it to the Belarusians who have suffered from your countless crimes!"

#LukashenkaTribunal !

17.10.24: Пост Вероники Цепкало: Вчера мне стало известно, что дом в Минске, в... - Veronica Tsepkalo | Facebook

16.10.24: С аукциона пустили, похоже, не только арестованное жилье Тихановских и Цепкало, но и вещи из их квартир. Что на это указывает (

11.04.24: Право на защиту собственности, а особенно жилья, гарантировано Конституцией Республики Беларусь, законами страны и международными обязательствами, такими как Всеобщая Декларация прав человека, Конвенция о правах ребенка и другими бумажками, цена которых ниже, чем моток туалетной бумаги, так последняя хотя бы имеет практическое применение.

10.04.24: Пост Вероники Цепкало: 9 апреля 2024 года наша единственная в... - Veronica Tsepkalo | Facebook

09.04.24: На аукционе по продаже арестованной квартиры семьи Цепкало устроили «драку» из-за бросовой цены. Чем все закончилось (

26.02.24: Квартиры, машины, часы, мебель: как режим Лукашенко отнимает и распродает собственность политических оппонентов (

12.02.24: На аукцион выставили недвижимость Валерия Цепкало — трешку в Минске с парковочным местом (

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