NEW participant! Valiantsina STEPANENKO & collection "Women's Fate"

Meet the new participant of the Fashion for Freedom project!

Valiantsina Stepanenko was born and raised in Belarus. Now she lives in Italy. Valiantsina is not a professional designer. Knitting has been her passion since childhood.

Here's what she says about herself:

"The #FashionforFreedom project is another opportunity to remind about Belarus and its pain. About the lack of choice for those who live there, including the color of clothes. And Belarusians living abroad should be a voice and the face of Belarus.

 I came up with the idea to tie an embroidered shirt with Belarusian ornaments. On my first dress, I used a symbol of female destiny.

 My collection is still in the process of creation. I have a lot of ideas on how to apply our national colors, national ornaments. The name of my collection is The Women's Fate.

Unfortunately, the situation with women's rights in Belarus is getting worse every day. Our women can be arrested for reading books in their native language, for the color of their clothes, shoes, or nails. 

The colors of my collection are Belarus national colors, white and red. I hope that soon the women of Belarus will be able to make their choice, will be able to wear what they like.

I wish all Belarusians strength, health, and patience. I hope the state terrorism will end soon and my country will be released from the dictator.

I am proud of the women of my country. They are courageous, genuine, wise, and incredible. Belarus women are the strength of my country".

Verym, mozham, peramozham!

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Women political prisoners in Belarus

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