#27 Maria

"Even in prison, there is no place for people like me"

Maria, in her early 30s. Maria is a transgender woman. Up to August 2020, she wasn’t interested in politics, because believed that there is no healthy political life in Belarus. After the elections, Maria took an active part in protest actions.

She was detained on January 17. Maria's trial took place via Skype. She was sentenced to 20 days in prison for “the participation in an unsanctioned gathering” and for “disobedience to a representative of the authorities”. 

After being transferred to Zhodzina and a medical examination, Maria spent almost a day in solitary confinement. When she asked why she was sitting alone, one of the prison officers replied that “we don't have separate cells for roosters like you”. The girl also had extremely limited access to the medical supplies that she had to take.  For almost three weeks, Maria had been facing transphobia and psychological pressure from the guards.

Despite everything she has experienced, Maria did not leave Belarus and believes that Belarusians should not give up and despair. 

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Women political prisoners in Belarus

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