born | д.р.: 24.06.97 detained | задержана: 17.11.21
sentenced by lukashenka regime to 5 years in a penal colony
for leaking information about law enforcement officers and judges to a Telegram channel; "Black book of Belarus case"
"Extremist List" MIA of Belarus
"Terrorist List" KGB of Belarus
#FreeKarpovich !
#Карповіч #Karpovich #Карпович
Godparenthood for political prisoners in Belarus | Libereco
Markéta Gregorová (European Parliament, Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance, Czechia) for Tatsiana Karpovich: “I have spoken about political prisoners in Belarus many times in the European Parliament’s plenary now. Although Kasia Budzko has been finally released, still more and more people are detained, their lives forsibly stopped in prison cells. But I would never say that their lives are wasted. Tatsiana Karpovich and other victims of Lukashenka’s regime are integral part of resistance to such a regime, and I fiercely believe that their example will cause Lukashenka’s fall”

Tatsiana Karpovich was detained on 17.11.21 and charged under Art. 130 СС for leaking information about law enforcement officers and judges to a Telegram channel.
Татьяна Карпович - жительница Витебска, задержанная 17.11.21.
Женщине предъявлено обвинение по ст. 130 УК "Разжигание социальной вражды" за передачу данных силовиков, учителей, судей в телеграм-канал "Черная книга Беларуси".
T. Karpovich infos & in media:
03.02.23: Палітзняволеную Таццяну Карповіч, асуджаную да пяці гадоў калоніі, перавялі ў калонію
24.06.22: З Днем нараджэння, Таццяна! Happy Birthday, Tatsiana! BWF