born | д.р.:   08.12.85        detained | задержана:  15.01.23

sentenced by lukashenka regime to 5 years in a penal colony

former accountant of the Minsk Electrotechnical Vavilov-Plant

Anna was fired from her job after the "People's Ultimatum" in 2020, then she sued the company for illegal dismissal

"Extremist List" MIA of Belarus

"Terrorist List" KGB of Belarus ​​

#FreeKarniayenka !

#Карняенка #Karniayenka #Корниенко

Godparenthood for political prisoners in Belarus | Libereco 

Paul Sweeney (Scottish Labour’s deputy spokesman) for Hanna Karniayenka: “I am supporting the Belarusian political prisoner Hanna Karniayenka and call for her unconditional release. Since the 2020 Belarusian presidential election the Lukashenko regime has brutally repressed any freedom of expression, as documented and condemned by many international organisations and democratic governments. Hanna was sentenced to 5 years in prison purely for her political actions as she sought the rights of the Belarusian people to choose their own leader. This sentence is unjust and I call for Hanna to be released, along with all other political prisoners in Belarus.”

Former accountant of the Minsk Electrotechnical Vavilov-Plant. The trial began on 19.05.23 and was held behind closed doors, so there is not much information about the nature of the charges. It is known that Anna was fired from her job after the "People's Ultimatum" in 2020, then she sued the company for illegal dismissal.

Charges indicted:

Art. 130 of the Criminal Code — Incitement to hatred
Art. 203-1 of the Criminal Code — Illegal actions with respect to information about private life and personal data

On 24.05.23 in the Minsk City "Court", "Judge" Sviatlana Charapanava sentenced Hanna Karniayenka to 5 years of imprisonment in a general-security penal colony.

Судебный процесс над бывшей бухгалтеркой Минского электротехнического завода им. Вавилова Анну Корнеенко начался 19.05.23 и проходил в закрытом режиме, поэтому информации про суть обвинения немного. Известно, что Анну уволили с работы после "Народного ультиматума" в 2020 году, затем она судилась с предприятием по факту незаконного увольнения.

Предъявлены обвинения:

ст. 130 Уголовного кодекса — Разжигание вражды или розни
ст. 203-1 Уголовного кодекса — Незаконные действия в отношении информации о частной жизни и персональных данных

24.05.23 в Минском городском "суде" ей назначили наказание в виде лишения свободы в колонии в условиях общего режима сроком на 5 лет. Дело рассматривала "судья" Светлана Черепанова.

H. Karniayenka infos & in media:

19.06.23: Statement on recognition of eight people as political prisoners (spring96.org)

19.06.23: Заявление правозащитников Беларуси о признании политзаключенным Владимира Казеко (spring96.org)

19.05.23: Былой бухгалтарцы Мінскага элетратэхнічнага завода прысудзілі пяць гадоў калоніі (spring96.org)

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Women political prisoners in Belarus

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