born | д.р.: 09.02.62 detained | задержана: 11.06.20 - 12.10.21
on bail under an obligation not to leave the country
Friend of Viktar Babaryka's family & coordinator of his nomination group in one of the districts of Minsk
#FreeKupreyeva !
Godparenthood for political prisoners in Belarus | Libereco
Susanne Mittag (member of the German Bundestag for the Social Democrats) for Sviatlana Kupreyeva: “I support the call for the release of all political prisoners in Belarus, especially the imprisoned women. I am happy to take over the godparenthood for Sviatlana Kupreyeva, who has been imprisoned since June.”
Sviatlana Kupreyeva is a friend of Viktar Babaryka's family and the coordinator of his nomination group in one of Minsk districts. On June 11, her home was searched and the woman was taken to the KGB for questioning, after which she was remanded in custody. On June 15, her and her mother's apartment was searched again and property was siezed. Svatlana was only allowed to receive the essentials four days after the detention.
During the arrest, the financial police officers said that Sviatlana Kupreyeva was suspected of committing a crime under Part 2 of Art. 243 of the Criminal Code (tax evasion on a particularly large scale).
On October 12, 2021, Kupreyeva was released from pre-trial detention, but remained under travel restrictions as part of the case.
Sviatlana Kupreyeva ist Freundin der Familie von Viktar Babaryka und Koordinatorin seiner Initiativgruppe in einem Minsker Stadtbezirk. Am 11. Juni 2020 wurde ihre Wohnung durchsucht, Kuprėeva zu einem Verhör im Untersuchungsgefängnis der KGB einbestellt und anschließend in Gewahrsam genommen. Am 15. September wurde Eigentum aus der Wohnung beschlagnahmt, in der Kupreyeva mit ihrer 81jährigen Mutter lebt.
Am 12.10.21 freigelassen: Ausreiseverbot, Vorwürfe bleiben bestehen.
Videos, BWF:
Video "I'm a political Prisoner S. Kupreyeva" ENG
Portrait, BWF
Видео "Я-политзаключенна С. Купреева" RU
S. Kupreyeva in media:
09.02.22: "Happy Birthday, Sviatlana!", BWF

12.10.21: "Babaryka’s campaign managers Kupreyeva and Karaka walk free", Vjasna
10.09.20: "В Беларуси четыре женщины-политзаключенные. За что их преследует государство?", Vjasna
19.06.20: "Belarusian human rights defenders call to immediately release Viktar Babaryka and members of his nomination group", Vjasna
16.06.20: "Would-be presidential candidate’s friend and team member arrested in Minsk", Belsat