VOLKAVA Liudmila | ВОЛКОВА Людмила

born | д.р.: 19.05.92    detained | задержана: 19.01.22

sentenced by lukashenka regime to 2 years in a penal colony

member of the Presidium of the Belarusian Social Democratic Party;

mother of 1 minor

released | освобождена: 02.10.23 - fully served her sentence

#FreeVolkava !

#Волкава #Volkava #Волкова

Godparenthood for political prisoners in Belarus | Libereco
Barbara Gysi (Swiss National Council, Sozial Democratic Party) for Liudmila Volkava: “Again and again activists are arrested on flimsy grounds. I become the godparent of Liudmila Volkava and am committed to her release. Political thought and action must not be a crime, but a democratic right. #WestandBYyou”

14.03.22: Members of Parliament from Sweden, Germany and Switzerland adopt political prisoners Maryia Uspenskaya, Andrei Kuznechyk and Liudmila Volkava (lphr.org)

01.02.22: HRD's call to release another 18 political prisoners and stop political repression in the country (spring96.org)

01.02.22: Заявление правозащитных организаций Беларуси о признании 18 политических заключенных (spring96.org)

ВОЛКОВА Людмила, д.р. 19.05.92, политзаключенная, aдминистратор телеграм-канала "БСДП", член Президиума БСДП. Людмила была задержана 19.01.22 на рабочем месте. Затем у нее дома провели обыск, изъяли технику. Ее обвиняют по ст. 342 УК РБ "организация и подготовка действий, грубо нарушающих общественный порядок, либо активное участие в них". Год назад Людмила была свидетелем по другому уголовному делу, в рамках которого у нее проводил дома обыск ГУБОПиК. Дома у Людмилы остался маленький ребенок. 31.05.22 Людмила была осуждена на 2 года колонии...

VOLKAVA Liudmila , born 19.05.92, a female political prisoner in Belarus,  a member of the Presidium of the Belarusian Social Democratic Party. Liudmila was detained on 19.01.22 at work. Then her house was searched and technical equipment was confiscated. She is accused under Article 342 of the Criminal Code "Organization and preparation of actions that grossly violate public order or active participation in them". Liudmila was transferred to pre-trial detention center. She has a small child left at home. On 31.05.22 Liudmila was sentenced to 2 years in prison.


Ludmila Vitalievna Volkova — Dissidentby

Liudmila Volkava — Political prisoners in Belarus (spring96.org)

Беларуская сацыял-дэмакратычная партыя (Грамада) (bsdp.org)

Беларуская сацыял-дэмакратычная партыя (Грамада) | Facebook

#ганьбашут #позоршут #shameshut #канвеершчыца #massproducer

#мывсезаписываем #даведачка #davedachka 

#blacklist #sanctions 

Патрабуем спыніць здзекі над нявіннымі беларусамі! 

We demand to stop the bullying of innocent Belarusians!​​

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Women political prisoners in Belarus

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