+++164 WOMEN political prisoners in Belarus +++in TOTAL: 1340 political prisoners in Belarus+++ UPD 23.02.25

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Weekly News 30.08.21-05.09.21

30.08.21: The apartment of the female political prisoner Tatsiana Lasitsa’s (belaruswomen.org) father in Rechitsa was searched. https://t.me/belaruswomensfoundation/590

30.08.21: SYMPA / BIPART’s expert and female political prisoner Kuzina Tatsiana was not released https://t.me/belaruswomensfoundation/589

30.08.21: Project of Belarus Women’s Foundation "My step to Freedom“ #24 Tatiana B. https://fb.watch/7OVbrTbtfX/

31.08.21: A woman was sentenced to 2 years of "home imprisonment" for a comment under a post about a district police officer


31.08.21: People connected with the Belarusian regime can be banned from entering the EU https://t.me/nashaniva/32496

31.08.21: American diplomats leave Minsk at the request of the Belarusian authorities https://t.me/nashaniva/32476

31.08.21: The Prime Minister of Poland proposed to conduct a state of emergency on the border with Belarus. For the first time in history


01.09.21: The Hague tribunal ordered Belarusian authorities to compensate more than $ 20 million to an investor (Radio Svaboda) 

01.09.21: The American corporation Cummins refused to sponsor the dictatorship in Belarus. https://euroradio.fm/ru/amerikanskaya-korporaciya-cummins-otkazalas-ot-sotrudnichestva-s-belazom

02.09.21: Russia is looking for a contractor to service military camps in Belarus https://reform.by/254487-minoborony-rf-ishhet-podrjadchika-dlja-obsluzhivanija-voennyh-gorodkov-v-belarusi

02.09.21: The website with the testimonies of the victims of police violence was blocked in Belarus. https://t.me/radiosvaboda/38209

03.09.21: Female political prisoner in Belarus Palina Sharenda-Panasiuk

Palina’s relatives have heard nothing about her life in the colony for more than a month: https://svaboda.azureedge.net/a/31442395.html

03.09.21: Action by the Belarus Women’s Foundation: Support for children of political prisoners in Belarus 

03.09.21: Project of Belarus Women’s Foundation "Time out with Veronica Tsepkalo": Interview with Veranika Barouskaya, wife of belarusian political prisoner Yauhen Barousky

03.09.21: The telegram channel “Live. The society of Belarusian railroad workers" had been deemed extremist. https://t.me/viasna96/6964

03.09.21: A web-designer (female) was detained after a search, interrogated in the GUBAZIK police department, and arrested for the disobedience to a district police officer https://t.me/viasna96/6963

03.09.21: A search at the Onahau-Zhurauleus – a family raising 13 (!!!) children. https://www.facebook.com/belaruswomen/posts/347552693825977

03.09.21: Alena Gnauk, 64 y.o.was sentenced to 3 years of home imprisonment, but she was detained in the courtroom for taking a video of  judging. https://t.me/belaruswomensfoundation/627

03.09.21: the KGB list http://www.kgb.by/ru/perechen-inf-ru/


03.09.21: NATO is sending a group of experts to Lithuania to help counter "hybrid actions of the Lukashenko regime" https://www.delfi.lt/ru/news/live/nato-otpravlyaet-v-litvu-gruppu-podderzhki-v-borbe-s-gibridnymi-ugrozami.d?id=88028731

03.09.21 What is the fifth package of EU sanctions going to be?


04.09.21 The UN will present a report on the landing of Ryanair plane in Minsk in November https://news.zerkalo.io/world/2495.html?tg

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Women political prisoners in Belarus

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