+++167 WOMEN political prisoners in Belarus +++in TOTAL: 1328 political prisoners in Belarus+++ UPD 12.03.25

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BWF provided video testimonies of victims and witnesses of Lukashenka's crimes for further submission to the Germany's Federal Public Prosecutor's Office

The Belarus Women's Foundation collects and documents the stories of women who were subjected to repressions and tortures in Belarus by the Lukashenka's regime (our Project "My step to Freedom"). Lukashenka must become not only an outcast in the eyes of the world community, but also be held responsible for committing numerous crimes against the Belarusian people!

To achieve this goal, BWF provided a group of German lawyers with video testimonies of Lukashenko victims and witnesses for further submission to the Germany's Federal Public Prosecutor's Office. This will allow initiating criminal proceedings against Lukashenka within the framework of universal jurisdiction.

28.06.21: The Criminal Case against Lukashenko before German Courts and the Issue of Immunity — PILPG (publicinternationallawandpolicygroup.org)

26.05.21: „Beobachtungsvorgang“ wegen Gewaltexzessen in Belarus: Bundesanwaltschaft nimmt Lukaschenkos Regime ins Visier - Politik - Tagesspiegel

26.05.21: Belarus: Wird Lukaschenko ein Fall für die deutsche Justiz? (t-online.de)

19.05.21: Иск против режима Лукашенко в Германии. Кто за ним стоит | naviny.by

07.05.21: Alexander Lukashenko Mocks Germany for Torture Allegations, Says They Are 'Heirs of Fascism' (newsweek.com)

07.05.21: Belarus: Alexander Lukashenko hits back at Germany complaint | Euronews

05.05.21: Belarusians file 'state torture' case against Lukashenko in Germany | Euronews

05.05.21: Lawyers file suit against Belarus′ Lukashenko in Germany | News | DW | 05.05.2021

05.05.21: В Германии режим Лукашенко обвиняют в «зверствах». Делом займется прокуратура | naviny.by


#RoadToTheHague #ICC #CrimesAgainstHumanity

Project "Road to The Hague" (belaruswomen.org)

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Women political prisoners in Belarus

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