+++167 WOMEN political prisoners in Belarus +++in TOTAL: 1332 political prisoners in Belarus+++ UPD 09.03.25

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Belarus: Women Political Prisoners of Retirement Age — Every 6th

Belarus: Elderly Female Political Prisoners — A Symbol of Conscience and Resistance

Belarus, a country where the older generation has always been regarded as the backbone of society and treated with respect, has become a place where elderly women are imprisoned for political reasons. Lukashenka’s regime spares no one, even those who have devoted their lives to working for their country and raising children and grandchildren.

As of early 2025, at least 27 female political prisoners in Belarus are of retirement age.

1      ANTONAVA Natallia | АНТОНОВА Наталья, born in 1960: 64 years at the time of detention — sentenced to 2,5 years in a penal colony — she will be 66 years old upon release | 1960 г.р.: 64 года на момент задержания — 2,5 года колонии — по окончании срока ей будет 66 лет #

2     DAVYDKA Natallia | ДАВЫДКО Наталья, born in 1966: 58 years at the time of detention — in pre-trial detention center — she will be ... years old upon release | 1966 г.р.: 58 лет на момент задержания — в СИЗО — по окончании срока ей будет ... лет #

3    ​ DULINA Natallia | ДУЛИНА Наталья, born in 1964: 58 years at the time of detention — sentenced to 3,5 years in a penal colony — she will be 62 years old upon release | 1964 г.р.: 58 лет на момент задержания — 3,5 года колонии — по окончании срока ей будет 62 года #

4     ​DZERBYSH Halina | ДЕРБЫШ Галина,  born in 1961: 59 years at the time of detention — sentenced to 20 years in a penal colony — she will be 79 years old upon release | 1961 г.р.: 59 лет на момент задержания — 20 лет колонии — по окончании срока ей будет 79 лет # & ##

5     FRANTSKEVICH Tatsiana | ФРАНЦКЕВИЧ Татьяна,  born in 1959: 65 years at the time of detention — in pre-trial detention center — she will be ... years old upon release | 1959 г.р.: 65 лет на момент задержания — в СИЗО — по окончании срока ей будет ... лет

6     ​HNAUK Alena | ГНАУК Елена, born in 1957: 65 years at the time of detention — sentenced to 4,5 years in a penal colony — she will be 69 years old upon release | 1957 г.р.: 65 лет на момент задержания — 4,5 года колонии — по окончании срока ей будет 69 лет #

7     ​KANEUSKAYA Tatsiana | КАНЕВСКАЯ Татьяна, born in 1966: 54 years at the time of detention — sentenced to 6 years in a in a high security prison — she will be 60 years old upon release | 1966 г.р.: 54 года на момент задержания — 6 лет тюрьмы в условиях строгого режима — по окончании срока ей будет 60 лет #

KLIAZOVICH Iryna | КЛЕЗОВИЧ Ирина,   born in 1966: 58 years at the time of detention — in pre-trial detention center — she will be ... years old upon release | 1966 г.р.: 58 лет на момент задержания — в СИЗО — по окончании срока ей будет ... лет 

KRASNIANSKAYA Halina | КРАСНЯНСКАЯ Галина, born in 1956: 67 years at the time of detention — sentenced to 5 years in a penal colony — she will be 72 years old upon release | 1956 г.р.: 67 лет на момент задержания — 5 лет колонии  — по окончании срока ей будет 72 года #

10  LABATSEVICH Natallia | ЛОБАЦЕВИЧ Наталья,  born in 1963: 61 years at the time of detention — in pre-trial detention center — she will be ... years old upon release | 1963 г.р.: 61 год на момент задержания — в СИЗО — по окончании срока ей будет ... лет 

11   LADUTSKA Natallia | ЛАДУТЬКО Наталья, born in 1964: 60 years at the time of detention — in pre-trial detention center — she will be ... years old upon release | 1964 г.р.: 60 лет на момент задержания — в СИЗО — по окончании срока ей будет ... лет

12  MAKEYEVA Tatsiana | MAKЕЕВА Татьяна,  born in 1958: 66 years at the time of detention — sentenced to 3 years in a penal colony — she will be 69 years old upon release | 1958 г.р.: 66 лет на момент задержания — 3 года колонии  — по окончании срока ей будет 69 лет #

13   MALETS Natallia | МАЛЕЦ Наталья, born in 1960: 63 years at the time of detention — sentenced to 3,5 years in a penal colony — she will be 67 years old upon release | 1960 г.р.: 63 года на момент задержания — 3,5 года колонии  — по окончании срока ей будет 67 лет #

14   MAYORAVA Volha | МАЙОРОВА Ольга, born in 1966: 55 years at the time of detention — sentenced to 21,5 years in a penal colony — she will be 76 years old upon release | 1966 г.р.: 55 лет на момент задержания — 21,5 года колонии  — по окончании срока ей будет 76 лет # & ##

15   MELKHER Iryna | MЕЛЬХЕР Ирина, born in 1955: 65 years at the time of detention — sentenced to 17 years in a penal colony — she will be 82 years old upon release | 1955 г.р.: 65 года на момент задержания — 17 лет колонии  — по окончании срока ей будет 82 года # & ##

16   REZANOVICH Liubou | РЕЗАНОВИЧ Любовь, born in 1964: 56 years at the time of detention — sentenced to 15 years in a penal colony — she will be 71 years old upon release | 1964 г.р.: 56 лет на момент задержания — 15 лет колонии  — по окончании срока ей будет 71 год # & ##

17   ROMANAUSKIENE Alena | РОМАНАУСКИЕНЕ Елена, born in 1964: 60 years at the time of detention — sentenced to 6 years in a penal colony — she will be 66 years old upon release | 1964 г.р.: 60 лет на момент задержания — 6 лет колонии  — по окончании срока ей будет 66 лет

18   SHCHAMIALIOVA Liudmila | ЩЕМЕЛЕВА Людмила  born in 1960: 64 years at the time of detention — in pre-trial detention center — she will be ... years old upon release | 1960 г.р.: 64 года на момент задержания — в СИЗО — по окончании срока ей будет ... лет

19   STAKHEIKA Alena | СТАХЕЙКО Елена, born in unknown: retired as of 2020 — in 2024 sentenced to 1 year in a penal colony | неизв. г.р.: пенсионерка по состоянию на 2020г. — осуждена 1 год колонии в 2024 г. 

20   STRAZHEVICH Hanna | СТРАЖЕВИЧ Анна, born in 1965: 58 years at the time of detention — in pre-trial detention center — she will be ... years old upon release | 1965 г.р.: 58 лет на момент задержания — в СИЗО — по окончании срока ей будет ... лет

21   TAKARCHUK Iryna | ТОКАРЧУК Ирина, born in 1960: 64 years at the time of detention — sentenced to 3 years in a penal colony — she will be 67 years old upon release | 1960 г.р.: 64 года на момент задержания — 3 года колонии  — по окончании срока ей будет 67 лет #

22   VIARBITSKAYA Alena | ВЕРБИЦКАЯ Елена, born in 1955: 69 years at the time of detention — in pre-trial detention center — she will be ... years old upon release | 1955 г.р.: 69 лет на момент задержания — в СИЗО — по окончании срока ей будет ... лет #

+ In 2025, 5 women reach retirement age | в 2025 году 5 женщин вступают в пенсионный возраст:

23  KASTSIENICH Liliya | КОСТЕНИЧ Лилия, born in 1967: 57 years at the time of detention — in pre-trial detention center — she will be ... years old upon release | 1967 г.р.: 57 лет на момент задержания — в СИЗО — по окончании срока ей будет ... лет 

24 KASTSIUHOVA Valeryia | КОСТЮГОВА Валерия,  born in 1967:  54 years at the time of detention — sentenced to 10 years in a penal colony — she will be 64 years old upon release | 1967 г.р.: 54 года на момент задержания — 10 лет колонии  — по окончании срока ей будет 64 года # & ##

25 SALAMENIK Volha | СОЛОМЕНИК Ольга, born in 1967:  54 years at the time of detention — sentenced to 7,5 years in a penal colony — she will be 61 years old upon release | 1967 г.р.: 54 года на момент задержания — 7,5 лет колонии  — по окончании срока ей будет 61 год #

26 MOKHARAVA Alena | МОХОРЕВА Елена, born in 1967: 57 years at the time of detention — sentenced to .unknown. years in a penal colony — she will be ... years old upon release | 1967 г.р.: 57 лет на момент задержания — ... лет колонии  — по окончании срока ей будет ... года #

27 VALIUK Maret | ВАЛЮК  Марет,  born in 1967: 57 years at the time of detention — in pre-trial detention center — she will be ... years old upon release | 1967 г.р.: 57 лет на момент задержания — в СИЗО — по окончании срока ей будет ... лет

* As of 2025, the standard retirement age for women in Belarus is 58 

** The retirement age for women with an incomplete insurance record (less than 20 years) is 60 years.​

***22 women have already reached retirement age, and 5 will reach it during the year 2025

* на 2025 год общеустановленный пенсионный возраст для женщин в РБ составляет 58 лет (20 лет страхового стажа)

** Пенсионный возраст для женщин с неполным страховым стажем (меньше 20 лет) составляет 60 лет
***22 женщины уже достигли пенсионного возраста, 5 вступят в течение 2025-го года

The Voice of Conscience and Justice

These women stood up for truth and justice not for themselves but for future generations. For their beliefs and dreams of freedom, they paid the highest price - being stripped of their rights, liberty, and dignity. Today, they are living witnesses of history who have become hostages of Lukashenka's fascist regime.

Imagine a woman aged 60-70 who has spent her entire life working for her family and society - as a teacher, doctor, factory worker, or farmer. Her hands bear the marks of hard work, and her eyes have witnessed change. Now, these women look at the world through prison bars, where they are denied basic rights, needs, and respect. At their age, they deserve care and attention, but instead, they endure humiliation, physical pain, and moral exhaustion.

Harsh Prison Sentences

Elderly women political prisoners in Belarus face shockingly harsh punishments. Their prison terms range from 1 to 21,5 (!!!) years, with some set to be over 80 (!!!) years old by the time of their release.

Average age at arrest: 60 years (ranging from 54 to 69 years)

Average prison term: 8 years (ranging from 1 to 21,5 years!)

Average age upon release: 68 years (ranging from 60 to 82 years!)

Many of these women are still in pre-trial detention (SIZO), awaiting sentencing. They face court hearings, sentencing announcements, and subsequent transfers to penal colonies to serve their terms.

Health Under Threat: Elderly Women Behind Bars

Most female political prisoners of retirement age in Belarus face serious health issues. Chronic illnesses, disabilities, lack of basic medical care, and harsh detention conditions severely undermine their physical and mental well-being. Instead of enjoying a well-deserved rest, they are forced to fight for survival every day.

These women suffer from joint diseases, hypertension, cardiovascular and respiratory illnesses. Some of them battle cancer and other severe conditions. Their health deteriorates alarmingly fast in prison due to inadequate medical care and the absence of humane treatment.

In isolation, under an informational blockade, and constant pressure, their health and lives are at significant risk. Such conditions not only violate basic human rights but also strip elderly individuals of dignity and basic compassion.

It is unimaginable that in the 21st century, individuals who have devoted decades of their lives to contributing to society are held in conditions that challenge even the young and healthy ones. Every minute behind bars is a threat to these women’s lives, demanding immediate attention and action.

Tools of State Terror Under Lukashenka’s Regime: The KGB “Terrorist List” & the Ministry of Internal Affairs “Extremist List”

The majority of these elderly women ended up on the official lists of 'terrorists' maintained by the Belarusian KGB and 'extremists' by the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD) for 'offenses' such as writing letters to political prisoners, helping their families out of their meager pensions, or posting comments on social media — simply for their refusal to remain indifferent to the suffering and lawlessness in Belarus. These lists, which have become tools of institutionalized terror under Lukashenka’s regime, are notorious for including members of the political opposition and human rights defenders.

Every 2nd female political prisoner of retirement age is labeled an "extremist" 

# 17 Femal Political Prisoners in Belarus included in the "Extremist List" maintained by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Belarus ("List of Persons Involved in Extremist Activities")

# 17 Женщин-политзаключенных пенсионного возраста, занесенные в "списки экстремистов" МВД РБ ("список лиц, причастных к экстремистской деятельности")

1      ANTONAVA Natallia | АНТОНОВА Наталья, born in 1960: 64 years at the time of detention — sentenced to 2,5 years in a penal colony — she will be 66 years old upon release | 1960 г.р.: 64 года на момент задержания — 2,5 года колонии — по окончании срока ей будет 66 лет #

2     DAVYDKA Natallia | ДАВЫДКО Наталья, born in 1966: 58 years at the time of detention — in pre-trial detention center — she will be ... years old upon release | 1966 г.р.: 58 лет на момент задержания — в СИЗО — по окончании срока ей будет ... лет #

3    ​ DULINA Natallia | ДУЛИНА Наталья, born in 1964: 58 years at the time of detention — sentenced to 3,5 years in a penal colony — she will be 62 years old upon release | 1964 г.р.: 58 лет на момент задержания — 3,5 года колонии — по окончании срока ей будет 62 года #

4     ​DZERBYSH Halina | ДЕРБЫШ Галина,  born in 1961: 59 years at the time of detention — sentenced to 20 years in a penal colony — she will be 79 years old upon release | 1961 г.р.: 59 лет на момент задержания — 20 лет колонии — по окончании срока ей будет 79 лет # & ##

5     ​HNAUK Alena | ГНАУК Елена, born in 1957: 65 years at the time of detention — sentenced to 4,5 years in a penal colony — she will be 69 years old upon release | 1957 г.р.: 65 лет на момент задержания — 4,5 года колонии — по окончании срока ей будет 69 лет #

6     ​KANEUSKAYA Tatsiana | КАНЕВСКАЯ Татьяна, born in 1966: 54 years at the time of detention — sentenced to 6 years in a in a high security prison — she will be 60 years old upon release | 1966 г.р.: 54 года на момент задержания — 6 лет тюрьмы в условиях строгого режима — по окончании срока ей будет 60 лет #

KRASNIANSKAYA Halina | КРАСНЯНСКАЯ Галина, born in 1956: 67 years at the time of detention — sentenced to 5 years in a penal colony — she will be 72 years old upon release | 1956 г.р.: 67 лет на момент задержания — 5 лет колонии  — по окончании срока ей будет 72 года #

8  MAKEYEVA Tatsiana | MAKЕЕВА Татьяна,  born in 1958: 66 years at the time of detention — sentenced to 3 years in a penal colony — she will be 69 years old upon release | 1958 г.р.: 66 лет на момент задержания — 3 года колонии  — по окончании срока ей будет 69 лет #

9   MALETS Natallia | МАЛЕЦ Наталья, born in 1960: 63 years at the time of detention — sentenced to 3,5 years in a penal colony — she will be 67 years old upon release | 1960 г.р.: 63 года на момент задержания — 3,5 года колонии  — по окончании срока ей будет 67 лет #

10   MAYORAVA Volha | МАЙОРОВА Ольга, born in 1966: 55 years at the time of detention — sentenced to 21,5 years in a penal colony — she will be 76 years old upon release | 1966 г.р.: 55 года на момент задержания — 21,5 год колонии  — по окончании срока ей будет 76 лет # & ##

11   MELKHER Iryna | MЕЛЬХЕР Ирина, born in 1955: 65 years at the time of detention — sentenced to 17 years in a penal colony — she will be 82 years old upon release | 1955 г.р.: 65 лет на момент задержания — 17 лет колонии  — по окончании срока ей будет 82 года # & ##

12   REZANOVICH Liubou | РЕЗАНОВИЧ Любовь, born in 1964: 56 years at the time of detention — sentenced to 15 years in a penal colony — she will be 71 years old upon release | 1964 г.р.: 56 лет на момент задержания — 15 лет колонии  — по окончании срока ей будет 71 год # & ##

13   TAKARCHUK Iryna | ТОКАРЧУК Ирина, born in 1960: 64 years at the time of detention — sentenced to 3 years in a penal colony — she will be 67 years old upon release | 1960 г.р.: 64 года на момент задержания — 3 года колонии  — по окончании срока ей будет 67 лет #

14   VIARBITSKAYA Alena | ВЕРБИЦКАЯ Елена, born in 1955: 69 years at the time of detention — in pre-trial detention center — she will be ... years old upon release | 1955 г.р.: 69 лет на момент задержания — в СИЗО — по окончании срока ей будет ... лет #

15 KASTSIUHOVA Valeryia | КОСТЮГОВА Валерия,  born in 1967:  54 years at the time of detention — sentenced to 10 years in a penal colony — she will be 64 years old upon release | 1967 г.р.: 54 года на момент задержания — 10 лет колонии  — по окончании срока ей будет 64 года # & ##

16 SALAMENIK Volha | СОЛОМЕНИК Ольга, born in 1967:  54 years at the time of detention — sentenced to 7,5 years in a penal colony — she will be 61 years old upon release | 1967 г.р.: 54 лет на момент задержания — 7,5 лет колонии  — по окончании срока ей будет 61 год #

17 MOKHARAVA Alena | МОХОРЕВА Елена, born in 1967: 57 years at the time of detention — sentenced to .unknown. years in a penal colony — she will be ... years old upon release | 1967 г.р.: 57 лет на момент задержания — ... лет колонии  — по окончании срока ей будет ... года #

Every 5th female political prisoner of retirement age is labeled a "terrorist" 

## Femal Political Prisoners in Belarus included in the "Terrorist List" maintained by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Belarus ("List of Persons Involved in Extremist Activities")

## Женщины-политзаключенные пенсионного возраста в Беларуси, занесенные в "списки террористов" КГБ РБ ("список лиц, причастных к террористической деятельности")

1     ​DZERBYSH Halina | ДЕРБЫШ Галина,  born in 1961: 59 years at the time of detention — sentenced to 20 years in a penal colony — she will be 79 years old upon release | 1961 г.р.: 59 лет на момент задержания — 20 лет колонии — по окончании срока ей будет 79 лет # & ##

2   MAYORAVA Volha | МАЙОРОВА Ольга, born in 1966: 55 years at the time of detention — sentenced to 21,5 years in a penal colony — she will be 76 years old upon release | 1966 г.р.: 55 лет на момент задержания — 21,5 год колонии  — по окончании срока ей будет 76 лет # & ##

3   MELKHER Iryna | MЕЛЬХЕР Ирина, born in 1955: 65 years at the time of detention — sentenced to 17 years in a penal colony — she will be 82 years old upon release | 1955 г.р.: 65 лет на момент задержания — 17 лет колонии  — по окончании срока ей будет 82 года # & ##

4   REZANOVICH Liubou | РЕЗАНОВИЧ Любовь, born in 1964: 56 years at the time of detention — sentenced to 15 years in a penal colony — she will be 71 years old upon release | 1964 г.р.: 56 лет на момент задержания — 15 лет колонии  — по окончании срока ей будет 71 год # & ##

KASTSIUHOVA Valeryia | КОСТЮГОВА Валерия,  born in 1967:  54 years at the time of detention — sentenced to 10 years in a penal colony — she will be 64 years old upon release | 1967 г.р.: 54 года на момент задержания — 10 лет колонии  — по окончании срока ей будет 64 года # & ##

Political prisoners listed in these state terror tools face various forms of abuse, including incommunicado detention, denial of timely and adequate medical care, and restrictions on correspondence and financial transfers.

Every New Day Behind Bars Could Be Their Last

Elderly female political prisoners should be spending their golden years in well-deserved rest. Instead, they are forced to fight for survival. Their health deteriorates with every passing day of incarceration, and every minute behind bars inflicts not only physical pain but also moral devastation.

Urgent Appeal

Elderly female political prisoners are the voice of conscience we cannot ignore. Their lives stand as a stark example of the ruthless nature of Lukashenka’s regime against those who have dedicated themselves to future generations. Each of these women deserves to be free, surrounded by their loved ones, enjoying the peace they have earned.

We call upon the parliaments and governments of all countries, politicians, symbolic godparents of Belarusian political prisoners, women's and human rights organizations, political and civil activists, and everyone who cares:

Speak out for the immediate and unconditional release of elderly female political prisoners in Belarus. Their place is not behind bars. Their place is at home, with those they love and who love them.

We cannot allow their voices to go unheard or let time and illness break them. WHILE they still have a chance to see freedom.

Remember! Dictators do not understand diplomacy. They only understand ultimatums

Don't hesitate! Call for demands to be made on the dictator /

Push for an ultimatum to Lukashenko #UltimatumToLukashenko:​

- The immediate and unconditional release of all women political prisoners of retirement age, including those in pre-trial detention (SIZO)

#ElderlyBehindBars #BehindBars #SeniorPoliticalPrisoners #Belarus

#PensionersBehindBars #ReleaseBelarusElders #FreedomForBelarusSeniors

- Demand the release of ALL women political prisoners and ALL political prisoners currently held in Belarusian prisons

#FreeBelarusWomen #FreePoliticalPrisoners #Belarus #FreeThemAll

Your Involvement Matters

Join & Support the initiative Ultimatum to Lukashenka from the EU (belaruswomen.org)

Thanks to this initiative, 250 political prisoners in Belarus were released between July 3, 2024 and January 18, 2025, including 66 women political prisoner


Release of Political Prisoners or Stop Rail Cargo ex Belarus #UltimatumToLukashenka Change.org

21.01.25:  Grandmothers of the Belarusian Protest - Бабушки Беларуского Протеста, BWF on FB 

01.10.24: Філосаф, святар, велаактывістка, рэдактар: за кратамі застаецца больш за 40 сталых людзей (spring96.org)

01.10.24: Абвінавачваюць у «здрадзе дзяржаве» і «абразе Лукашэнкі».  Як беларускі рэжым пераследуе пенсіянераў https://t.me/viasna96/27938

02.07.24: Belarus: Call for release of older political prisoners | OHCHR | Беларусь: призыв к освобождению пожилых заключенных | OHCHR

17.02.22: Без оглядки на возраст: истории пенсионеров-политзаключенных – DW

16.02.21: 'A Slap In The Face': Why Pensioners In Belarus Are Protesting

16.10.20: Бабушки беларуского протеста Відэа | Настоящее Время - Facebook

13.10.20: 190 Festnahmen bei Protestmarsch: In Belarus rebellieren nun die Rentner - n-tv.de

12.10.20: Портреты белорусских бабушек на Марше в Минске - Новости Беларуси - Хартия'97

05.10.20: "Бабушки против насилия": в Минске протестовали пенсионеры – DW

09.09.20: Nina Baginskaya Meet the 73-year-old granny who became an icon of the protests against Lukashenka - Euromaidan Press

Belarus, Fall 2020:

Pensioners' Marches Against Lukashenka's Rigged Elections and Brutal Crackdown on Protests - Grandmothers of the Belarusian Protest - Бабушки Беларуского Протеста, BWF on FB 

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Women political prisoners in Belarus

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