23 Female Political Prisoners - Mothers of 43 Minor Children
23 Женщины Политзаключенные - Мамы 43 Несовершеннолетних Детей
UPD 2025 CW10
1. ABLAB Hanna | АБЛАБ Анна, sentenced to 11 yrs in a penal colony: 2 children #
2. BAHOVIK Ivanna | БОГОВИК Иванна sentenced to 2 yrs in a penal colony: 2 children #
3. BERAZAVETS Tatsiana | БЕРЕЗОВЕЦ Татьяна, in pre-trial detention: 3 children
4. DAMASTOI Viktoryia | ДОМОСТОЙ Виктория sentenced to 5 yrs in a penal colony: 3 children ##
5. DAVYDULINA Natallia | ДАВЫДУЛИНА Наталья sentenced to 3 yrs in a penal colony: 5 children #
6. DEYNEKA Liudmila | ДЕЙНЕКО Людмила sentenced to unknown yrs in a penal colony: 2 children # & ##
7. KANEUSKAYA Tatsiana | КАНЕВСКАЯ Татьяна sentenced to 6 yrs in a penal colony: 1 child #
8. KARNIAYENKA Hanna | КОРНИЕНКО Анна sentenced to 5 yrs in a penal colony: 1 child # & ##
9. KASHCHEYAVA Tatsiana | КОЩЕЕВА Татьяна sentenced to unknown yrs in a penal colony: 1 child
10. LAPTANOVICH Yuliya | ЛАПТАНОВИЧ Юлия sentenced to 4 yrs 9 mnts in a penal colony: 3 children #
11. LAZARCHYK Alena | ЛАЗАРЧЫК Елена sentenced to 8 yrs in a penal colony: 1 child # & ##
12. LAZARENKA Anastasiya | ЛАЗАРЕНКО Анастасия sentenced to 6 yrs in a penal colony: 1 child # & ##
13. MALINOUSKAYA Karyna | МАЛИНОВСКАЯ Карина sentenced to unknown yrs in a penal colony: 2 children
14. MALOCHKA Aksana | МОЛОЧКО Оксана sentenced to 8 yrs in a penal colony: 3 children
15. PAZNIAKEVICH Iryna | ПОЗНЯКЕВИЧ Ирина sentenced to unknown yrs in a penal colony: 1 child
16. PRATASHCHYK Palina | ПРОТАЩИК Полина sentenced to 2 yrs in a penal colony: 1 child
17. SHCHYRAKOVA Larysa | ЩИРЯКОВА Лариса sentenced to 3,5 yrs in a penal colony: 1 child #
18. SIARHEYENKA Alesia | СЕРГЕЕНКО Алеся sentenced to 3,5 YRS in a penal colony: 2 children #
19. SUSHA Kseniya | СУША Ксения sentenced to 3 YRS in a penal colony: 2 children #
20. USPENSKAYA Maryia | УСПЕНСКАЯ Мария in compulsory psychological treatment: 1 child
21. VAITSIAKHOVICH Volha | ВОЙТЕХОВИЧ Ольга sentenced to 11 yrs in a penal colony: 1 child # & ##
22. VOLKAVA Zhanna | ВОЛКОВА Жанна sentenced to 3 yrs in a penal colony: 2 children
23. ZHALABKOVA Volha | ЖЕЛОБКОВА Ольга sentenced to 2 yrs in a penal colony: 2 children #
#Mothers #BehindBars
#FreeBelarusWomen #FreePoliticalPrisoners #FreeThemAll
# In the "Extremist List" maintained by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Belarus ("List of Persons Involved in Extremist Activities") | в "списке экстремистов" МВД РБ ("список лиц, причастных к экстремистской деятельности")
## In the "Terrorist List" maintained by the KGB of Belarus ("List of Persons Involved in Terrorist Activities") | В "списке террористов", КГБ РБ ("список лиц, причастных к террористической деятельности")
Infos & Useful Links:
12.02.25: Urgent Appeal. Belarus: Women in the Grip of State Terror (belaruswomen.org) |
Экстренный Призыв. Беларусь: женщины в тисках государственного террора (belaruswomen.org)
14.10.24: Urgent Appeal: Women Political Prisoners - Mothers of Minor Children (belaruswomen.org) | Экстренный Призыв: Женщины Политзаключенные - Мамы Несовершеннолетних Детей (belaruswomen.org)
Women Political Prisoners in Belarus (belaruswomen.org)